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Thursday, January 28, 2010Mission in a New Day
Today the New England Conference Staff visited Vermont to present their "Mission in a New Day" workshops. The two workshops I attended were titled, "Doing What Needs to be Done" and "Being Mission." Both highlighted the importance of local and global mission to our personal, spiritual and congregational health.
The focus on mission was apt in light of the recent tragedy in Haiti. Churches are, perhaps, focused more on outreach now as we seek to minister to the hurting in whatever ways we can. Whether our churches are small or large, we remember that we can all do something to love those who struggle and offer hope to the hopeless. Coincidentally, in my reading this week I came across this quote from Parker Palmer. Palmer affirms, "The mission of the church is not to enlarge it's membership, not to bring outsiders to accept it's terms, but simply to love the world in every possible way...If we are able to love the world, that will be the best demonstration of the truth which the church has been given." Do I hear an Amen?? Monday, January 25, 2010Christian Unity
This time of year the United Methodist Church, along with other denominations, join together for A Week of Prayer of Christian Unity. The World Council of Churches describes this observation on their website:
During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2010, Christians throughout the world will be listening together to the promise and commission that are part of Christ's final words before his ascension: "You are witnesses of these things."
Traditionally celebrated between 18 and 25 January (in the northern hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of Prayer enters into congregations and parishes all over the world. Pulpits are exchanged, and special ecumenical worship services are arranged. The theme for 2010 was chosen in Scotland, where churches were, at the same time, preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the 1910 World Mission Conference on the theme "Witnessing to Christ Today", which marked the beginnings of the modern ecumenical movement. The roots of the Week of Prayer go back to 1908. This observation provides an opportunity for all of us to remember that we are more than Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians or whatever our affiliation. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. While each of our traditions brings with it gifts and graces, we are not whole without each other.The Week of Prayer has passed. (It was observed in our area yesterday with a service at First UMC in Burlington where our Bishop, Susan Hassinger, preached.) Yet we can always be in prayer for our fellow Christians around the world. Let us pray that our commonalities may be stronger than our divisions so we may truly be the Body of Christ. Amen! Saturday, January 16, 2010Prayers for the People of Haiti
The past several days we have been surrounded by images and stories of the suffering of the people of Haiti. Our hearts go out to all those who have been touched by this terrible tragedy. The United Methodist Church has encouraged responses in a variety of ways. There is a link on our website's homepage explaining how you can donate through UMCOR. When giving through UMCOR 100% of your donation goes to those in need. The administrative costs of UMCOR are provided through our Apportionments.
Additionally, information is available about how to talk with young children about the disaster. You can find this at the General Board of Discipleship Blog. And perhaps most importantly, let us be in prayer for our brothers and sister in their pain, grief and suffering. A Prayer for the People of Haiti by Taylor Burton-Edwards The seas roar, the earth shakes, buildings crumble, roofs topple and walls turn to dust. Have mercy on the people of Haiti, O God. Nations watch, alarms sound, traffic halts, utilities stop, and news is hard to verify. Give us compassion to weep with those who weep, O God. People die, families mourn, mountains split, infrastructure and superstructure alike are gone. Make us swift to help and persistent to rebuild, not just things and structures, but lives, O God: Through Christ, the solid Rock. Amen. Monday, January 11, 2010Ripple
Last week "Ripple" launched! If you haven't heard about "Ripple" it is the regional youth ministry program that is engaging local youth in ministry, mission, and fun. "Ripple" began as the vision of Rachel Stampul (Youth Pastor at Ascension Lutheran in South Burlington) and quickly caught on as churches realized how much more exciting youth ministry can be when we do it together!
Last week a couple of us from Faith UMC attended the "Ripple" launch to check it out. The program consisted of creative engagement with the youth and a support group for the parents. Both groups had a great time! Biweekly topics are chosen and developed by the youth themselves ~ with Rachel's direction and input. "Ripple" meets twice a month on Tuesdays and is open to all youth in grades 6-12. Parents are welcome as well and are invited to attend the parents support group downstairs. If you want more information, check out their web presence here. It is my hope that we can become more involved with "Ripple", either on a biweekly basis or to join with them in special events ~ including mission trips and the 30 Hour Famine. I'm sure we will be hearing more about "Ripple" as this new local ministry builds and grows! Saturday, January 9, 2010Remember Your Baptism
I was 3 months old when I was baptized by my Grandfather in the Chapel of Empire Grove United Methodist Campmeeting Association. The pictures and my Baptismal Certificate testify to this, but I have no recollection of it myself. Many Christians are in a similar situation.... knowing of but not being able to remember their baptisms. Sometimes I envy those who were baptized as older children or adults because they can remember that sacred day!
Yet all of us are called, on this Sunday of the Baptism of the Lord. to remember our baptisms and be thankful. For those of us who can't actually remember, what could this mean? In baptism, our identity as God's own children is affirmed. Just as Jesus was named as God's beloved son at his baptism, we are the beloved of God. Perhaps this call to remember is a call to not just remember the act of baptism but to claim again who and whose we are. As Martin Luther suggested, baptism is something that is done in one day but takes the rest of our lives to complete. Remembering the promise of our baptism is an every day call for us as Christians. So, remember your baptism.... and be thankful! Monday, January 4, 2010The Big Storm
Well, I'd been waiting for a big Vermont snow storm! I guess I got it! Yesterday our regular Worship Service and Charge Conference were canceled due to weather. We did have a small gathering at church for a service of prayer, scripture reading, and reflection. Fourteen hearty souls attended! While I missed our regular gathering, it was nice to have a chance to worship in an intimate setting with other brothers and sisters in Christ. We were blessed by our sharing and our prayers. It reminded me why small groups have been such an important part of Wesleyan Christianity.
(If you want to catch up on yesterday's sermon, you can find it under "Messages & News" here on the website.) I pray that everyone has been able to safely dig out from the storm. God has blessed us with the beauty of the seasons in New England. I look forward to seeing you all next Sunday ~ weather permitting! Archives
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