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Monday, January 25, 2010Christian Unity
This time of year the United Methodist Church, along with other denominations, join together for A Week of Prayer of Christian Unity. The World Council of Churches describes this observation on their website:
During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2010, Christians throughout the world will be listening together to the promise and commission that are part of Christ's final words before his ascension: "You are witnesses of these things."
Traditionally celebrated between 18 and 25 January (in the northern hemisphere) or at Pentecost (in the southern hemisphere), the Week of Prayer enters into congregations and parishes all over the world. Pulpits are exchanged, and special ecumenical worship services are arranged. The theme for 2010 was chosen in Scotland, where churches were, at the same time, preparing to celebrate the anniversary of the 1910 World Mission Conference on the theme "Witnessing to Christ Today", which marked the beginnings of the modern ecumenical movement. The roots of the Week of Prayer go back to 1908. This observation provides an opportunity for all of us to remember that we are more than Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians or whatever our affiliation. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. While each of our traditions brings with it gifts and graces, we are not whole without each other.The Week of Prayer has passed. (It was observed in our area yesterday with a service at First UMC in Burlington where our Bishop, Susan Hassinger, preached.) Yet we can always be in prayer for our fellow Christians around the world. Let us pray that our commonalities may be stronger than our divisions so we may truly be the Body of Christ. Amen! Archives
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