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Saturday, January 16, 2010Prayers for the People of Haiti
The past several days we have been surrounded by images and stories of the suffering of the people of Haiti. Our hearts go out to all those who have been touched by this terrible tragedy. The United Methodist Church has encouraged responses in a variety of ways. There is a link on our website's homepage explaining how you can donate through UMCOR. When giving through UMCOR 100% of your donation goes to those in need. The administrative costs of UMCOR are provided through our Apportionments.
Additionally, information is available about how to talk with young children about the disaster. You can find this at the General Board of Discipleship Blog. And perhaps most importantly, let us be in prayer for our brothers and sister in their pain, grief and suffering. A Prayer for the People of Haiti by Taylor Burton-Edwards The seas roar, the earth shakes, buildings crumble, roofs topple and walls turn to dust. Have mercy on the people of Haiti, O God. Nations watch, alarms sound, traffic halts, utilities stop, and news is hard to verify. Give us compassion to weep with those who weep, O God. People die, families mourn, mountains split, infrastructure and superstructure alike are gone. Make us swift to help and persistent to rebuild, not just things and structures, but lives, O God: Through Christ, the solid Rock. Amen. Archives
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