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Monday, March 19, 2012Lenten Disciplines: Fasting
I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church,
to observe a holy Lent: by self–examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self–denial; and by reading and meditating on God's Holy Word. This week we get to talk about fasting! I have to admit that I only have limited experience with fasting from food. I have done the John Wesley fast a few times, which involves fasting from sundown on Thursday through sundown on Friday. During these fasts I allowed myself water and juice to drink. At one of my churches we had a Lenten Study that met on Wednesday evenings. As a group we covenanted not to eat lunch on Wednesday before the study. We broke the fast with a dinner of soup and bread before we began our study together Wednesday evening. I also have participated in two 30 Hour Famines with youth groups at my churches. These events involve fasting for 30 hours (Friday after lunch through Saturday evening) to raise money for hunger relief and awareness around the world. All of the fasts I mentioned above involve fasting from food. I have to say that I have not experienced the spiritual effects of these fasts that many other people have described. I know that fasting from food can be a powerful experience of drawing closer to God. I also know that every one is different and these kind of fasts haven't really 'worked' for me. One Lent I did "fast" from television and I found it to be a profoundly spiritual experience. Even though I don't consider myself an avid TV-watcher, not watching TV for the 40 days of Lent allowed me more time to spend with God, with other people, and in pursuits I had not thought I had time for before. I read an incredible amount during that Lent. I admit that I did miss watching TV. Still, I came out of that experience feeling closer to God and stronger in my faith. Have you ever fasted? What was the experience like for you? What "nontraditional" fasts have you done? Would you consider fasting to draw closer to God? Next week, a related topic ~ self-denial! Archives
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