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Monday, October 17, 2011Through the Wilderness
Moses. What an amazing guy! Moses has been the focus of our worship for the past three weeks. We joined him in the wilderness to receive the Ten Commandments. We witnessed the Israelites disobedience when, in Moses absence, they worshiped the Golden Calf. And we got a sneak-peek into one of the most intimate moments between God and Moses as Moses petitioned God not to leave the people of Israel despite his anger with them. This week we reach the end of the wilderness journey as God brings the people of Israel into the Promised Land.
But one person would not be going with them. Moses ~ the one commissioned by God to lead the people ~ would not enter the Promised Land. In fact, Moses died just as he glimpsed the promise from the top of Mt. Pisgah and Moses was buried by God in an unknown place. At first glance this may seen unfair. Why wasn't Moses ~ who worked so hard ~ permitted to step on to the very land his people were promised? But then again, we were never promised that life would be fair, right? We were promised that God would be with us. In our lives we will experience unfulfilled dreams. We will work toward goals that we will not see come to fruition. We will do things for the right reasons only to have others see them to completion. We do not always get to experience the fruits of our labor. And that's okay. It's okay because, if we do something to the glory of God whatever part we contribute will be blessed. Perhaps someone else will benefit from our hard work, and what a wonderful blessing that would be! God didn't leave Moses. At 120 years old, Moses had fulfilled his call and he is known today for his faithfulness. Even in the moment of his death, Moses was not alone. Was his death fair by our human standards? Perhaps not. Was his life a blessing to his generation and to every generation since? Absolutely! Archives
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