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Thursday, August 25, 2011Witnessing
In our Faith UMC Mission Statement we affirm that part of our calling is to:
Share (witness) the Good News of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to witness? My Dictionary of Theological Terms defines witness as, "One who testifies of what is known to be true, especially in relation to the Christian gospel." That tells me that to witness is to speak what is true. Sometimes we get intimidated by the word 'witness' because it evokes images of evangelical preachers, knocking on doors and handing our tracts. Yet, to witness is to simply tell the truth about what you know of Christ Jesus. We can do this in our families, with our friends, and at our churches. This Sunday we will have an opportunity to witness to our faith as we share how we experience Jesus in the world. This will be the conclusion of our "Living the Kingdom" series. Where do you see Jesus as you go about your daily life? Did you experience Jesus presence during our Faith in Action Sunday last week? How is Jesus encouraging you to put your faith in action every day? I would love to hear your answers to these questions on Sunday! There is no right or wrong to any of them. All you're invited to do is to tell your truth! Archives
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