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Monday, August 29, 2011Acting Like One
Yesterday, in the midst of the hurricane, 43 brave souls came out to worship and feast together. We witnessed to our faith and discussed how God has called us to live the Kingdom in our daily lives. Following the service we gathered for corn, hot dogs and salad and continued our conversations. It was truly a great day!
During our service of witnessing we talked about how our beliefs affect our actions. As Christians we are not just a people of a particular doctrine, we are also a people of action. This conversation reminded me of something I recently read in The Progressive Christian: “In other words, faith cannot simply be a set of principles or doctrines one adheres to in order to gain membership. It has to be a process, a journey of sorts. And this journey is experienced together in a community that knows one truly becomes a Christian after they act like one.”
~ Ben Gosden
In his article Gosden is referring specifically to those people we identify as "Generation Y." Gosden asserts that the Christians of Generation Y are drawn to churches that don't just give their faith lip service, but put their faith into action. He is essentially speaking about Christians who walk the walk, and don't just talk the talk.
So how are you walking the walk today? As a Faith community, do we put more (or equal) importance on belief and / or action? I think these are good questions to consider as we move deeper into the 21st Century. What do you think?
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