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Thursday, October 14, 2010Children's Sabbath
This Sunday is Children's Sabbath. Children's Sabbath is a promotion of the Children's Defense Fund to help raise awareness in communities of faith of the realities of child poverty. Did you know that 11% of Vermont children under the age of six live in poor families? Did you know that 3.5 % of US households experience hunger? Did you know that globally 134 million children between the ages of 7 and 18 have never been to school?
According to the Children's Defense Fund, every year that an American child spends in poverty results in $11,000 in future lost productivity. The effects of poverty include aggression, depression, growth stunting, and poor health. But what can we do? We face harsh realities with no easy answers. Share your thoughts in the comments. And come to worship on Sunday. We will talk and pray about what we can do to bring justice to all God's children. Archives
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