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Monday, August 23, 2010Sharing
Yesterday's worship service was truly a gift from the Holy Spirit. I have to admit that I was more than a little nervous leaving the sermon time open for sharing. "What will happen if no one speaks?" I asked myself more than once last week. Apparently I had no reason to worry because the Spirit led us to hear and share some wonderful testimonies.
The topic of sharing was Spiritual Gifts. Congregation members were asked to consider sharing a story or experience of using or discerning their Spiritual Gifts in the life of the church. Some folks prepared thoughts ahead of time. Others shared spontaneously. The Holy Spirit worked in many and various ways among many and various people. As I said at the conclusion of our sharing time, "This is certainly not the end of the conversation....." I hope we can continue to find ways to share the deepest things of our hearts. I left worship yesterday convicted, again, in the power of the Holy Spirit! What a Sunday! Archives
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