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Monday, August 30, 2010Trying New Things
This has been a summer of trying new things.... in worship at least! Starting back in June we began to slowly rearrange our worship space. We moved the pulpit and adjusted the chairs for a more intimate setting. In August we also moved the piano so Lesley would not be so far away from our 'circle.' Throughout June, July and August we focused on sermon series and experimented with a more interactive style.
Two Sundays ago the congregation created the sermon by spontaneously sharing about Spiritual Gifts. Last Sunday we joined together in a Healing Service as our Healing Prayer Team offered their Spiritual Gifts to those in need. I've enjoyed these weeks of 'trying new things.' I heard very few concerns. Partly, I think this is due to the fact that folks knew that this was a temporary thing. People could enjoy the changes with out being anxious that they were going to be permanent. We are planning to go back to a more 'traditional' style in the fall. I also think the Spirit worked among us this summer to open our hearts to experience God in different ways. I hope that we can continue in the spirit of adventure even as we move back to our 'regular' way of doing worship. And I would love to hear your thoughts about the changes.... what you liked, what you didn't like, and what you would like to 'keep' as we move ahead. Thursday, August 26, 2010Healing Prayer
How do you experience healing? Do you associate healing with physical ailments, or you do see healing in a broader sense? Have you been touched by healing in your emotional life, relational life, or spiritual life?
This Sunday our worship will be focused on Healing Prayer. We will talk about what healing means in the Christian Tradition. We will look at Jesus' life of healing and the direction of the apostles to pray for each other that we may be healed. We will ask some of the questions noted above. The service will also include a time of Healing Prayer, with anointing and laying on of hands, for anyone who is interested. Healing is one of the spiritual gifts given by God and mentioned in the Bible. Our Healing Prayer Team will be leading our prayer time as a way to share their spiritual gifts with us. I think it is safe to say that we can all use healing in some area of our lives. Let us open ourselves to the healing presence of God. Monday, August 23, 2010Sharing
Yesterday's worship service was truly a gift from the Holy Spirit. I have to admit that I was more than a little nervous leaving the sermon time open for sharing. "What will happen if no one speaks?" I asked myself more than once last week. Apparently I had no reason to worry because the Spirit led us to hear and share some wonderful testimonies.
The topic of sharing was Spiritual Gifts. Congregation members were asked to consider sharing a story or experience of using or discerning their Spiritual Gifts in the life of the church. Some folks prepared thoughts ahead of time. Others shared spontaneously. The Holy Spirit worked in many and various ways among many and various people. As I said at the conclusion of our sharing time, "This is certainly not the end of the conversation....." I hope we can continue to find ways to share the deepest things of our hearts. I left worship yesterday convicted, again, in the power of the Holy Spirit! What a Sunday! Monday, August 16, 201010-Fold
I feel blessed to be part of a denomination that makes a difference in the world. Whether it's through UMCOR, the Advance or any number of other efforts by the General Board of Global Ministries, the United Methodist Church continues to offer ways for us to get involved in the needs of the world.
10-Fold is a new initiative of the General Board of Global Ministries to raise awareness about 10 projects over 10 days beginning October 10th. The goal is to gain the support of 10,000 supporters for each of the 10 projects ~ with the hope to raise at least $10,000 per project! Visit the 10-Fold website here: www.10-fold.org Sign up to receive informational e-mails. Become an advocate! Get involved! Thursday, August 12, 2010Everyone Loves a Parade!During our walk down Kennedy Drive and Dorset Street we handed out Twizzlers and church brochures to the spectators lining the sidewalks. Bouncy Balls were bounced to the kids. We also shared our treats with those stuck in traffic while waiting for the parade to pass. It was fun to see their grumpy faces turn to smiles as we passed a T What I enjoyed most about the event was being involved and present in our community. The banner we carried displayed our Cross and Flame and declared us as "The People of the United Methodist Church." To those we encountered, we were the people with the Twizzlers and Bouncy Balls, the people who shared a smile. There are certainly worse things to be known for! It seems to me that if we brightened just one persons day, if we shared the love of Christ with just one individual, we were exactly where we were supposed to be! Monday, August 9, 2010Spiritual Gifts
On the first Sunday of August Bonnie and Penni began our Spiritual Gifts Series. We will continue exploring our spiritual gifts during the remaining Sundays of August! Yesterday we discussed how we discover our spiritual gifts. Our United Methodist Church website has a page designed to help us in this very endeavor. Click below to check it out:
Spiritual Gifts - UMC.org Next Sunday I will share a bit about my call to ministry and journey of discovering and practicing my spiritual gifts. The following Sunday you will be invited to share how you have discerned, practiced and used your spiritual gifts. The last Sunday of August will will explore the spiritual gift of Healing with a Healing Service. I look forward to what we will learn and discern together in the weeks ahead! Archives
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