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Thursday, June 24, 2010Nap Anyone?
Do you sometimes feel like you can never catch up on your rest? Does it seem like life is spent rushing from one thing to the next? Do you ever wish for just one day to relax? Well, have I got the sermon series for you!!
This Sunday we will start our five week series on Sabbath. We will be talking about Sabbath from several different perspectives. This Sunday we will look at the creation story and God's blessing of the seventh day as a day of rest. During the sermon time you will be asked to consider the following questions: Why did God set aside the seventh day? Why is the seventh day so important as to be part of the Creation Story? What does it mean that God rested? What does God's action (or inaction) on this day tell us about how we are to be? May we all find some restful moments this week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday! Archives
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