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Monday, June 28, 2010Vermont Summer
We certainly know how to do good fellowship! And we certainly know how to do strawberries! Yesterday's Strawberry Festival was a wonderful blessing. As I sat at the table enjoying my sloppy-joe, various salads, and strawberry shortcake I gave thanks to God for our community and the abundance we enjoy!
It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since Gary and I moved to this great state and joined with Faith United Methodist Church. Last year (on this very day) the moving truck was pulling away from our Connecticut home and we were beginning our trip north. And today many other United Methodist pastors are doing the same thing as they move to their new churches in new places. I feel blessed to be "staying put" this year, enjoying my first full Vermont summer, and beginning my second year of ministry in this place with you! I look forward to many more years to come. As we look to our second year together let us hold in prayer those pastors and congregations who are beginning new journeys of ministry and faith together. Thursday, June 24, 2010Nap Anyone?
Do you sometimes feel like you can never catch up on your rest? Does it seem like life is spent rushing from one thing to the next? Do you ever wish for just one day to relax? Well, have I got the sermon series for you!!
This Sunday we will start our five week series on Sabbath. We will be talking about Sabbath from several different perspectives. This Sunday we will look at the creation story and God's blessing of the seventh day as a day of rest. During the sermon time you will be asked to consider the following questions: Why did God set aside the seventh day? Why is the seventh day so important as to be part of the Creation Story? What does it mean that God rested? What does God's action (or inaction) on this day tell us about how we are to be? May we all find some restful moments this week. I look forward to seeing you on Sunday! Monday, June 21, 2010The Monday After......
It is the Monday after Annual Conference and I'm still reverberating with all the activity that Annual Conference always holds. Sessions start at 8:30am and last late into the evening. Fortunately there is time to visit with friends ~old and new ~ during meal times, breaks and while walking back and forth from the dorms!
As always, the worship services were inspiring and alive with the Spirit! Retirees were honored, good friends who had passed were remembered and candidates for ministry were Commissioned and Ordained. In addition to the worship and business of the Conference, we had the chance to hear United Methodist preacher Rev. Zan Holmes deliver two thought-provoking messages. If you've ever wondered what goes on at Annual Conference, you are welcome to visit the New England Conference Website to read the Conference News. The most exciting part of Annual Conference was, undoubtedly, the welcome given to Vermont as Vermont churches officially became part of the new New England Conference! Vermont United Methodists joined with their sister states to become New England United Methodists. Welcome to your new Conference! Monday, June 14, 2010Annual Conference
New England Annual Conference begins in just a couple days. I will be traveling down to Gordon College in Wenham, MA on Wednesday for the Clergy Session. The full Conference Session starts on Thursday afternoon with laity and clergy from all over New England coming together for Holy Conferencing.
This gathering of New England Annual Conference is historic in that Vermont is being officially joined to the New England Conference. After much prayer and planning, Troy Conference voted to disband at the May 22nd Conference Session. This action opened the way for Vermont Churches to join New England and New York Churches to form a new Conference in Upper New York. May God bless these transitions and transformations! Please hold the New England Conferencing Sessions in your prayers. Also, please pray for the safe travel of all clergy (retired and active) and laity from all over New England. These next days will be filled with joy as old friendships are renewed and new ones are made. Business will be conducted and worship will be experienced. May the Spirit touch our New England United Methodist Churches as we seek to live out our Conference Vision and Mission Statements: Vision Statement: Transformed by the Holy Spirit, united in trust, we will proclaim Christ boldly to the world. Mission Statement: Our Mission as the New England Conference is to equip, connect, and support local, regional, and global ministries to make disciples of Jesus Christ, and to serve all in his name. Thursday, June 10, 2010Jumping to Conclusions
It's a human thing to jump to conclusions, to judge other people and to justify ourselves. It's not pretty, but it is part of who we are. As Kate Huey asks in her sermon on the subject, "How is it that I can so easily divide the world into two kinds of people, the good and the bad?"
It seems to me that part of the problem is that we don't slow down long enough to really look at other people, to consider them as children of God, and to understand their wants, needs and motivations. We are quick to categorize because that makes like easier for us. This Sunday's Gospel lesson (Luke 7: 36-50) brings these issues to the forefront. Simon, a Pharisee, has invited Jesus to his home for dinner. Soon, though, a woman of questionable reputation approaches Jesus. Simon knows what this woman is all about. Jesus, however, welcomes the woman who begins bathing his feet with her tears and anointing him with oil. Simon, jumping to conclusions about the woman's motivation, puts her in her place. But Jesus challenges Simon, instead, saying, "The one to whom little is forgiven, loves little." When are you tempted to jump to conclusions? Is your faith challenged when things are not as they seem? Is the dividing line in your life fixed or flexible? Monday, June 7, 2010Growth
Gary and I recently planted our very first vegetable garden! Since we are beginners we decided to go with a container garden instead of planting in the ground. Before getting our hands dirty we did a lot of research. We also got the advice and help of several experienced gardeners from our congregation. However, there is no guarantee in gardening. No matter how much research we do, gardening involves a measure of faith!
Faith is fortunately something we know a little about. However, that doesn't always mean we are good at it! As I mentioned in an earlier post, we've entered the time of the Christian year called 'Ordinary Time.' The liturgical color for 'Ordinary Time' is green, which is the color of growth. Just like our gardens won't grow to their potential if they are ignored, neither will our spiritual lives flourish if we neglect them. Gardens require good soil, sun, water, fertilizer, and patience. There is no guarantee that our gardens will grow to our expectations, but when they are tended to and 'loved' the harvest can be plentiful! What do you need to grow in your spiritual life? What are you lacking as you seek to grow? These are good questions to ask during 'Ordinary Time' or any time of the year. Which are the areas of your life that need a little more attention? What will make your garden grow? Archives
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