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Saturday, February 13, 2010Transfigured
This Sunday is what we call Transfiguration Sunday (or what is known in preacher-shorthand as the T-Fig). This is the final Sunday of the Season of Epiphany. This coming Wednesday we will be ushering in the Season of Lent and making our preparations for the journey to the cross.
So what is so important about the Transfiguration? (Luke 9:28-36) In all truth, it is a rather unusual happening. Jesus takes three of the disciples up a mountain where is he transfigured by shining white light and joined by Moses and Elijah. The disciples, sleepy and confused, see this happen and Peter is so awe-struck that he suggests they build camps so they can all stay there and never leave. Then, just as Peter is making building plans, a voice comes down from heaven ~ reminiscent of Jesus' baptism ~ saying, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him." If this moment isn't an epiphany ~ a manifestation of the divine ~ I'm not sure what is! We are reminded, as we anticipate the difficult journey of Lent, of Jesus' true identity. This epiphany can give us strength for the journey and hope for the future as we encounter all the pain of Jesus' passion in the coming weeks. Jesus' transfiguration on the mountain foreshadows his ultimate transfiguration at the empty tomb. As we leave this Season of Epiphany, what have you learned about the presence of the divine? How has God been manifest in your life? And how can that presence strengthen you for what lies ahead? Archives
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