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Tuesday, October 13, 2009Thinking it Through: Stewardship Reflections
Last Sunday we kicked off our mini-Stewardship Campaign for the fall. I say 'mini' because we have decided to celebrate our major Stewardship focus in the Spring. That, however, doesn't mean we miss out on talking about money this fall. In fact, we will have the opportunity not only to look at our church finances, but our personal finances as well!
Sunday's sermon ~ which you can find on the 'Pastor's Message' page ~ looked at two 'illnesses.' These illnesses are affluenza and credit-itis. They affect us personally, socially and environmentally as we acquire more and more stuff. (Read the sermon to learn more!) In Sunday's bulletin there were also reflection questions. I am posting them here and you are welcome to comment or respond. How we deal with our money is not just a personal matter, but is a spiritual matter as well. ~ There is a balance between making the acquisition of money and possessions your focus and not doing enough to provide for yourself. Read Proverbs 30:7-7. How well do you maintain this balance? What might help you to stay in balance? ~ What does the word covet mean? Read Exodus 20:17 and Ephesians 5:5. How are covetousness and greed cousins? Why does Paul say that greed is idolatry? In what ways do you experience covetousness? How is greed evidenced in your life? ~ Pray and invite God to speak to you through the words of Jesus. Read Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23. What happens to the gospel in our lives when we are consumed with the desire for wealth? ~ Read and reflect on Ecclesiastes 5:10; Matthew 16:26; and 1 Timothy 6:10b. What is God saying to you through these verses? ~ Are there signs of affluenza and credi-itis in your life? What most effectively fuels your desire for more? (Adapted from Adam Hamilton’s Enough: Discovering Joy Through Simplicity and Generosity) Archives
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