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Wednesday, September 2, 2009Blind Spot
When we are learning to drive, we are reminded over and over to 'check your blind spot.' It's that spot where someone can sneak in without us even realizing. If we don't check our blind spot when changing lanes or backing up, we could get in a really bad accident!
This week's gospel passage is Mark 7:24-37. It includes two stories of Jesus healing those traditionally thought to be outside of the family of God. The first story is of a mother ~ a Gentile of Syrophenician origin ~ who approaches Jesus to ask for healing for her daughter. The second story is of a deaf man from Sidon, also a Gentile territory. Although these folks are from the 'wrong side of the lake' Jesus sees them and heals them. As we go about our daily lives, who are those people we don't see? Who do we dismiss without even a second thought? Where are our blind spots? These stories of Jesus tell us that God shows no partiality. Do we?
There are many people just a few miles from our comfortable suburbs who are struggling to obtain the basics. I know someone who had her house foreclosed on last week. Keep these "invisible" people in your prayers.
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