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Thursday, December 20, 2012God Moments: Love in the Midst of Tragedy
Last Friday I was puttering around the house, doing my usual day-off chores, when a news broadcast caught my eye. I stood in shock as I learned of a mass shooting at an elementary school in Connecticut. The location wasn't announced immediately, so my mind went right to my friends in Manchester, Connecticut and the children who were in the Sunday School of the congregation I served. I later learned the that tragedy took place on the opposite side of the state, in Newtown. And I learned that it was even more horrific than I could have possibly imagined. Twenty sweet, beautiful children were dead along with six teachers and school administrators who tried to protect them. Unimaginable.
So where is the God Moment in this? Perhaps it is too soon to tell. In the midst of my pain ~ and the pain of everyone I've talked to ~ I appreciate this article from United Methodist Pastor Adam Hamilton. He speaks to the senseless nature of this tragedy and God's place in it all. No, Everything Doesn't Happen For A Reason Over the past few days I have seen God in the responses to this tragedy. Lutherans from Illinois brought nine comfort dogs to Newtwon to console grieving children and families with pats and snuggles. Across the country toys have been collected for the children of Newtown and shared beyond with other children in need. Through this tragedy we have recognized the humanity in each other and responded. It is too early to understand what happened. In fact, I don't think we will ever understand. Still, we can share God's love with each other and witness to the child whose birth we will celebrate in just a few short days. No matter how deep the darkness, the light will always overcome it. This is the message of Christmas. This is our ever-present God moment. Thursday, December 13, 2012God Moments: Charge Conference
Last night we held our 2012 Charge Conference with our District Superintendent, Rev. Brigid Farrell. Brigid brought greetings from our new Bishop in the form of a video. After watching the video we worshiped together and discussed Jesus words from John 15:1-8, "I am the vine, you are the branches."
Following this spirit-filled opening, we embarked on the business that needed to be done. We voted on the pastor's salary, affirmed our ministry team leaders, approved the acceptance of a bequest, prayerfully removed several people from our membership roles and celebrated the ministry of our Lay Speakers. We concluded with a time of reflection on our ministry, the Natural Church Development process, and the God Moments we experience every day. In my early years of ministry, Charge Conference was something I dreaded. I remember my first Charge Conference in my first church was over three hours long. Other Charge Conferences I experienced were contentious and full of angst. When I received the Charge Conference date in the fall it would loom large on my calendar filled with anxiety. My God Moment today is that is no longer the case! I celebrate that our Conference has moved away from an instructional and blaming model of Charge Conference to a celebratory and inspirational model. I also celebrate that our District Superintendent does this well. Brigid helps us do the work we need to do while trusting us to carry out the ministry God has placed on our hearts. And, finally, I celebrate that our community is a community of trust, love and hope. While we don't always agree, we do listen, support and give each other the benefit of the doubt. I believe this is evidence of the spirit working through us and this, in my opinion, is a wonderful God Moment! Thursday, December 6, 2012Advent and New Beginnings!
I can't believe I have not blogged since September 17th! I am embarrassed and can't imagine where the time has gone. Is it at all ironic that I lost my discipline for blogging while I was writing a blog series on self-discipline?
Yet here we are at the beginning of Advent, which is the beginning of the new Christian year. I will put my faults and failings behind me and start a new! Lately we have been discussing God moments in light of our focus on Passionate Spirituality, which comes out of our Natural Church Development process. The stories of Advent are filled with God moments. There are visits from angels, heavenly dreams, and a beautiful star pointing the way. Our lives are filled with God moments, too. We just might not always notice them! At this beginning of Advent, and in this new Christian year, I am going to start a new blog series on God moments. I will share some of my own God moments and stories of other's God moments. If you would like to share a God moment to appear on this blog, e-mail me or post in the comments! Today I feel God in the blessing of letting something go to start something new. Thanks be to God for Advent and New Beginnings! Archives
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