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Monday, February 27, 2012Lenten Disciplines: Self-Examination
During the Christian Season of Lent we are invited to an intentional time of prayer and reflection as we prepare ourselves for Holy Week and Easter. The forty days of Lent are a time set apart. Our United Methodist Book of Worship calls us to this time with the words:
I invite you, therefore, in the name of the Church, to observe a holy Lent: by self–examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self–denial; and by reading and meditating on God's Holy Word. For the next few weeks I will use this space to consider each of these ways of observing Lent, starting with today and self-examination. According to the dictionary, self-examination is the "introspective consideration of ones thoughts or emotions." I would add 'actions' as well. When we consider our thoughts, emotions and actions we begin to see what motivates us, what bring us joy and what brings us pain and anxiety. Self-examination is not easy, though, because we are often forced to see things about ourselves we would rather deny. We might see ways that our actions hurt others. We might see that our thoughts are not as pure or generous as we might like. Self-examination can be a difficult process. Self-examination can also be fruitful. True self-examination leads to repentance and change, which I will talk about in my next blog post! In the meantime, I invite you to spend sometime in self-examination this week. What in your life ~ thoughts, actions, emotions ~ keeps you from drawing even closer to God? You are welcome to share any thoughts or insights here! May you be blessed as you observe a holy Lent. Monday, February 13, 2012Crossing Boundaries
Yesterday we read the story of Jesus healing a man with leprosy through the touch of his hand. To me this is a powerful story of boundary crossing. It reminds me that Jesus is willing to cross whatever boundary in order to heal us and make us whole. It also invites me to consider what boundaries I am willing to cross to aid in the healing of others.
Rev. Steve Garnaas-Holmes is an elder in our New England Conference. Steve maintains a blog with daily meditations and reflections on the Scripture. Today I came across his reflection on this passage and was 'blow away.' Steve gave words to what I was feeling about this passage and I thank him for that. I share his words with you here with an encouragement for you to visit his blog Untouchables Dearly Beloved, Grace and peace to you. A leper came to him begging him, and kneeling he said to him, “If you choose you can make me clean.” Moved with compassion, Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him. –Mark 1.40-41 Who are the lepers who beg for our compassion, whom no one will touch? Are they the prisoners, who frighten us, or nursing home folks? Those who are depressed, or transgendered or angry, the drunk mumbling in the doorstep, the guy with the cardboard sign at the stoplight, the dying, before whom we stutter and stall? The mentally ill, kidnapped from their own minds, that we are afraid to speak to? The kid with piercings, tattoos and blue hair, immigrants who any moment will be hauled off, people who are chronically poor and grumpy about it? Who are we afraid to touch, to be touched by? Don’t think we have no Untouchables in our closely guarded caste system. They live within you. We are the ones with the dis-ease, who afflict them with our refusal to reach out to them, to connect, to admit that we are just like them. What healed the leper was no magical power. It was the willingness of a compassionate heart to embrace. We can do miracles in this world with our own two hands. Deep Blessings, Pastor Steve Monday, February 6, 2012Open the Eyes of My Heart
Yesterday we sang a new-to-us song, "Open the Eyes of My Heart, Lord." Before we sang it I mentioned that I picked this song especially for Epiphany since during Epiphany we celebrate the many ways we see God Incarnate in Christ. God comes into the world in Christ and Christ shines with the glory of God.
I also like this song because it reminds me to look for God wherever I am. Asking God to "Open the Eyes of My Heart" is asking God to help me see the Light everywhere, in everything. I don't know about you, but when I am having a bad day /week/month this is a good reminder. When times are tough it is tempting to narrow our vision to only see the difficult things and the things that are going wrong. We might miss those glimpses of glory because we forgot to look for them! Where have you seen the Light of God's glory in your life this week? Are there times you need to be reminded to open the eyes of your heart? Archives
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